Soup is a light, stomach-friendly dish that has many good qualities, which is why it is highly valued, and nutritionists even claim that soup has healing properties. As is known, soup is a liquid food, usually served warm, even cold or hot, but the latter are most appreciated
Most people rarely enjoy soup, but it’s in vain, because the body absorbs soup the easiest out of food dishes, thereby supplying itself with vitamins, minerals, etc.
Benefits of soup for our body:
Soups warm you up in cold, rainy weather. In this way, soups strengthen immunity and help prevent colds;
Facilitates digestive processes, improves intestinal activity;
Activates metabolism;
Satisfies, but does not burden the stomach, so the possibility of overeating is reduced;
Contains fat-burning amino acids, so it is also suitable for weight loss;
Maintains the fluid balance in the body, so for people who drink little water, soup is a great solution.
In addition to all this, soups can be applied in case of certain diseases. For example, when a person has a cold or a cough, chicken broth can help, because it contains the amino acid cysteine, which facilitates expectoration or relieves unpleasant sensations. If you have high cholesterol, lentil soup can help reduce it. Soups based on meat broth are the best for calming the nerves, as they contain B vitamins. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, semolina soups are perfect, and if you have bile or liver diseases, borscht, cabbage soup or milky soups are suitable without meat.