Veganism – what is it?

Veganism has been a gradual development, first with the promotion of vegetarianism (the rejection of meat products only) and then the rejection of all animal fats. Veganism is also seen as a diet based on plant-based food and lifestyle, as its advocates do not support the exploitation of animals that causes pain or death.

Vegans refuse meat, fish, eggs, honey and dairy products in their diets, so they need to think about what other foods are available to provide the vitamins and nutrients they need for their bodies, such as iron, vitamin B12, protein, etc.

Although the vegan lifestyle is rapidly gaining in popularity, many people are unclear about what vegans eat and whether there are enough foods available to get all the nutrients that people who eat a normal diet need for their body. Almost all recipes that contain animal products can be adapted for vegans by replacing these products with plant products. Vegans often find alternatives and, for example, use nut, rice or soya milk instead of cow’s milk, replace meat mince with vegetable mince, etc.