World’s Most Expensive Soup

In culinary spaces, expensive doesn’t necessarily mean delicious. But there is one dish that leaves no doubt – the Chinese soup „Buddha Jumps over the Wall”. Its complex preparation techniques, rare and expensive ingredients and simply extraordinary taste have elevated this dish to the top of the world’s gastronomy.

The taste of this soup is so unique that even in London, not in China, you can find this exclusive dish on the menu of the famous restaurant Mr. Kai. A plate of soup costs at least USD 214, making it one of the most expensive in the world.

The soup is prepared by Chef Alex Chou using the most expensive and rare ingredients. This soup is cooked with nutritional gold, shark fin, sea cucumber, Japanese scallops, ginseng and Pama beef. But it’s not the price that counts, it’s the taste, which is what makes this dish so appealing to even the most demanding gourmets.

Another aspect of the soup that makes it special is its name, which is linked to a legend. The story goes that an expedition wandering around Tibet put all the foodstuffs they had in a jug of wine and accidentally set it on fire. The smell emanating from the jug attracted the monks living in a nearby Buddhist monastery. As they are vegetarians, the taste must have been so good that it prompted the Buddha to „jump over the wall” and taste this spectacular dish.